Tuesday, August 21, 2007

SA 12-Step Group

I was just reading back to some of my earlier posts from last Fall, where I was talking about hubby finally going to SA meetings and how I predicted they would not last. Well, lo and behold it did not last more than a few months! LOL! I noticed there was one post where I wrote that he said the group was helping him, which is cracking me up because now he says the group is useless ( I won't get into all his excuses/they don't matter anyway). I think I am going to work on keeping up this blog better. It will help me keep track of his lies and remind me why I need to get out of this situation whenever I am thinking it is no big deal and I can stick it out for longer. Ugh.

He was in sucking up mode 2 weeks ago until a coworker died suddenly in a car accident and he crashed and burned into full on Asshole Addict mode and has continued ever since. Lately he aims his agitation at my teen-age daughter, probably because he knows I just won't let him get away with it any more. He hurls F-words at her like nobody's business. Remind me again why I think this is good for my 4 yr. old and 1 yr. old????

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